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The Rumor is True: Quail Eggs are More Nutritious than Chicken Eggs

Teresa Pennington

They're tiny, and cute, and not bleached white like the eggs we tend to see in the store. And when cracked open, their bright orangey-yellow yolks call to us with their rich flavor and nutritious composition.

These little packages are even more full of good nutrients than chicken eggs by weight. The secret is actually in the yolks. Quail eggs have larger yolks compared to their overall size than chicken eggs do. The nutrients that come from eggs come from the yolk, which means that a quail yolk is more nutrient-dense than chicken yolks.

Don't just take our word for it - notable differences in 100 grams of quail vs. chicken eggs, are shown below:

The next time you add eggs to your meal, consider adding quail eggs!

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